Is Obama Even American?
After watching Obama's performance here, I have to wonder is this guy even an American? I mean, it's as if we are being led by someone that has no idea what our culture, customs, mores, and values are. It's as if he is an alien. I mean this sincerely and without pun in regards to the whole birther thing. His template for being president is such that any trace of what being American is was removed and replaced with something that does not have any national identity at all. It is as if he sees himself as a citizen of the world at best. Anyone that voted for the pretend American should be ashamed of themselves. Oh yeah, screw doctor joe medicine crow and the stolen horse he rode in on. I wonder if he knows chief jay strongbow?
After watching Obama's performance here, I have to wonder is this guy even an American? I mean, it's as if we are being led by someone that has no idea what our culture, customs, mores, and values are. It's as if he is an alien. I mean this sincerely and without pun in regards to the whole birther thing. His template for being president is such that any trace of what being American is was removed and replaced with something that does not have any national identity at all. It is as if he sees himself as a citizen of the world at best. Anyone that voted for the pretend American should be ashamed of themselves. Oh yeah, screw doctor joe medicine crow and the stolen horse he rode in on. I wonder if he knows chief jay strongbow?
clones have no emotions